Optimizing Every Mile with
Smart Technology


In the transportation and logistics industry, timely and accurate information is vital. Our IT solutions optimize routes, improve communication, and ensure seamless coordination to keep your operations running smoothly.

IT Challenges In

  • The workforce in transportation and logistics is often mobile. Integrating mobile technology that allows for effective communication and real-time workforce management is essential.

  • Integrating new technologies with legacy systems can be complex and costly. Compatibility issues may arise, potentially leading to additional expenses and delays.

  • There is a notable shortage of workers with the necessary technological skills, which hampers the effective use of new technologies. Upskilling existing staff or recruiting new talent with the right skills is a critical challenge.

IT Insights and Trends in

  • in 2021 IBM reported the average cost of a data breach in the transportation industry was approximately $3.5 million. IBM’s “Cost of a Data Breach Report 2021”

  • Companies in the logistics sector are increasingly investing in technology to reduce costs and improve productivity, with significant investments continuing into 2024. Digital logistics tools are expected to optimize logistics across planning, execution, and settlement, leading to short-term performance improvements of 10 to 20 percent, and potentially 20 to 40 percent over two to four years​ (McKinsey & Company)​.

  • cyber attack in May 2021 effectively shut down the Colonial Pipeline, which provides gasoline to almost half of the east coast of the United States, for about a week. The company said that the cost of the ransom and the disruption to business could run upwards of $50 million. (bcg.com)

“I have nothing but praise for Guardian Computer. They don’t quit until they solve all my problems be it a StarShip shipping issue, Great Plains, Accellos or printer issues. There are days I would get nothing done without him” — Barbara N.