IT Solutions Tailored For Those
WHO Need their Data Now,
from Anywhere

Professional Services

MSP Services for Professional Services Industry

IT Challenges IN
Professional Services

  • Supporting a remote workforce requires stable and secure connectivity, access to resources, and effective communication and collaboration tools. The shift to remote work has amplified the need for robust IT infrastructure and support systems.

  • Professional services firms handle sensitive client information, making them prime targets for cyberattacks. Ensuring the security and privacy of data is crucial, necessitating robust cybersecurity measures, data encryption, and secure access controls.

  • Integrating new technologies with legacy systems poses significant challenges. Professional services firms must manage these integrations without disrupting existing workflows and ensure compatibility and efficiency.

IT Insights and Trends in
Professional Services

  • Breaches cost almost $220,000 more on average when noncompliance with regulations was indicated as a factor in the event. (IBM's Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023)

  • In 2023, 52% of all breaches involved some form of customer personally identifiable information, such as names and Social Security numbers, making customer PII the most commonly breached record type for the third year in a row. (IBM's Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023)

  • Approximately 30% of remote employees admit to sharing their work devices with friends and family for non-work related tasks, which could increase the risk of security breaches​ (ZipDo)​.

John and Jean Prejean and their company, Guardian Computer, have worked with my firm, MorrisAnderson, for over 20 years. We are based in Chicago and found the Prejeans during a lengthy consulting project in New Orleans that evolved into John and Jean not only providing full service IT to my firm and our traveling consulting team but also to various clients of my firm on an as needed basis. We work exclusively with Guardian on all IT issues. John, Jean and the Guardian team provide excellent service on a 24/7 basis and are always there when IT issues and problems arise. They proactively advise me of issues and fix problems fast. In today’s world of the cloud and the internet, your IT provider no longer needs to be local, but your IT provider must be accessible and responsive when you have a problem. John, Jean and Guardian provide that level of service and more!” — Dan D.