Driving Deals with
Data and Technology

PE AND M&A Industry


  • After an acquisition or investment, integrating IT systems to ensure seamless communication and collaboration can be complex. Disparate systems, incompatible software, and varying technological infrastructures can hinder operational efficiency.

  • Assessing the technology infrastructure and capabilities of target companies during due diligence is crucial for informed decision-making. Inaccurate assessments can lead to unexpected post-transaction expenses.

  • Implementing scalable cloud services that adapt to a firm's fluctuating data processing and storage needs ensures efficient portfolio management. This allows PE and M&A firms to seamlessly scale their IT infrastructure up or down based on current deal flows without significant upfront investments or delays, fostering agility and operational efficiency.

IT Insights and Trends

  • In 2023, financial organizations incurred average losses of approximately $5.9 million per cyber incident, a figure that underscores the sector's acute vulnerability to cybercrime (ptsecurity.com)​.

  • The increase in financial crime risks is a global concern, with 69% of executives expecting these risks to rise, driven primarily by cybersecurity and data breaches. In response, firms are prioritizing investments in technology and bolstering their cybersecurity budgets to combat this uptrend. ​ (Kroll)​.

  • Portfolio companies are increasingly turning to digital transformation to drive their value-creation strategies. This often involves leveraging technologies like cloud computing, predictive analytics, and AI to optimize operations and enhance customer engagement​ (PwC)​.